All About the Details

Each time I have walked in the gallery these past few weeks, I have been in awe. When it comes to any type of art, an artist works hard on the details. But Stelae by René Treviño is something else.

The amount of detail that was put into each work is incredible. No matter how many times I look at the giant pink wall full of flies or any of the work on leather, I find something I hadn't seen before.

As an artist myself, I applaud René for the time and patience it took him to do this. Each of the over 1000 flies is so intricately detailed with gold and rhinestones and meticulously placed on the wall creating a pattern that creates an aesthetically pleasing display. The amount of time it took boggles my mind, but if no one has told him before, it was worth every second.

On the bigger pieces, I love the intense detail that was put into each one with the glitter and color. Each accent is placed perfectly and adds so much to the work. The use of multimedia with paint, stitchings, leather, applique, sequins, rhinestones, buttons, and more is like nothing I have ever seen.

However, the detail is not only in the work itself but in the meanings. René put so much thought into what each piece was going to say and represent. While many often just look at the artwork, reading the artist's statement, interview, and explanation of each work show how powerful Stelae really is.

If you haven't come in to see it already, please do. Don't just look at the details within each piece, but also look at all the details behind each work. That is how you can truly appreciate all the details.

-Emma Hagedoorn '20


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